Saturday, July 13, 2013

The role of medical massage in fighting pandemics of hypertension.

Hypertension is a very dangerous disorder.  It literally endangers  life.  This disorder could lead to strokes, heart attacks, peripheral arteries diseases and to many other diseases.  

Hypertension has some known causes such as kidney disorders, tumor on adrenalin gland, narrowing of aorta and some others. All the mentioned above causes of blood pressure are not difficult to diagnose with various blood tests and radiological means. Yet they represent only 8%-10% of all the people suffering from hypertension. Cases of unknown causes fall into the category called Essential Hypertension. 

As any other disease the hypertensive disease, once diagnosed, can be treated with medications.  If a patient responds to a medication than doctors can control such condition.  In other word blood pressure, although higher than normal, could be held within a not dangerous range such as under 140 systolic and under 85 diastolic.  Needless to say these medications have side effects, which initiate other health problems, but of course prevents hypertension from causing instant death.

People who don’t respond to medications well have to look for some other means to control hypertension.  Very often people could suffer from high blood pressure/essential hypertension tremendously.  At times it could be as high as 220 to 120, people could be hospitalized for hypertonic crises and yet medications could not make a decisive difference.

In 1973 the professor I studied from, Alexander Dembo MD PhD, paid attention that people who suffer from non-responsive to medication high blood pressure also suffered from neck disorders, tension, discomfort in the neck area, etc.  As a result he came to the conclusion that hypertension in this case is a secondary to the vertebral artery syndrome.

The answer to why people, suffering from Vertebral Artery Syndrome, secondary develop high blood pressure, is pretty simple.  The moment when the Vertebral Artery is compressed and the blood supply to the brain is obstructed, the blood pressure is raised to compensate for its deficiency.

Recently, the second time in the US, I was involved in the hypertension related clinical experiment. Ten patients where privately referred to me to perform massage protocols for Vertebral artery syndrome. All the ten subjects didn’t respond well to medications. i.e. taking hypertensive medications didn’t affect them at all. As well all 10 of them suffered from some neck pain and dysfunctions.

Usually an application of Dembo’s protocol delivers 80 percent success rate.  In this case all ten of the subjects sustained the successful outcome, controlled hypertension.  Forty five days ago I had completed providing 15 treatments for each of them. Being in touch with these patients, I know that it is already been more than 45 days and their blood pressure is under control. To all of them I recommended self massage home programs.

It is important to mention that, in average, most of the patients couldn't control hypertension using medications for 3+ years. Some of them suffered heart attacks, as well as according to MRI, minor strokes.

Interestingly enough, the doctors who referred these patients for treatment, said that although clinical proof was undisputable, it was not enough to claim that massage protocols work.  Something like this was said: ”We need to understand this process on a much deeper level before making claims.”  

I can understand and appreciate their drive. I love to have scientific explanation for everything.  For example in my 10 years old article, I have provided detailed explanation in regards to hypertension secondary to Vertebral artery syndrome.

In general, however, I am more clinically oriented.  To me it is much more important to help a real person in the field than to be able to explain in a scientific paper ”on a much deeper level” why what I do works.  

When I put my hands on a person, who has a neck problem, accompanied by high blood pressure and who is not responding to medications, I do the step by step massage protocol designed by professor Dembo and I reach results, such as less pain, tensions and discomfort within the neck area, as well as normalization of blood pressure.

I understand scientist’s curiosity, but it is somewhat irritating to hear “yes, but” all the time. 

Once I asked the group of doctors the question regarding “can anyone of you explain the reason why walls of vertebral arteries have their own sympathetic plexus innervation, regulating their constriction and dilation?”

There was silence.  

“When we will find the answer to why the Vertebral Artery have their own sympathetic plexus innervation, then we will find the answers to why Dembo’s protocol reduces the blood pressure.”

To me as a clinician the issue of publishing well supported scientific paper and that explain the phenomenon ”on a much deeper level” carries much lesser weight than saving lives.

Hypertension is a terrible disease, a very dangerous when a person is not responsive to hypertensive medication.  In such a case it’s the question of “when” rather than “if” the hypertonic crisis will strike.

One of the patients, a fairly wealthy man whom I helped to control his blood pressure, will privately sponsor large-scale studies. I will work hard at this studies and, of course, will be delighted if scientists will find more explanation why Prof. Dembo’s protocol since 1973 is clinically proven as working.

As far as I know, an appropriately applied protocol of medical massage in the case of the Vertebral Artery syndrome is the most powerful clinically and scientifically proven methodology of treatment and this is the privilege of massage therapist to possibly save people’s life in this case. 

I suspect that the desire of ”being able to explain on a much deeper level,” aims at the development of medications that will work in cases of nonresponsive to medication hypertension, secondary to Vertebral Artery syndrome. This is my private opinion, of course.

Don’t take me wrong.  It’s ok with me if doctors want “to understand on a much deeper levels.” In my opinion, though, we don't have enough massage therapists prepared to confront this hypertensive pandemics right now. Therefore, in the meantime, I'm encouraging everyone to study this protocols, and to implement it.

On my DVD#2 I explain the full protocol for vertebral artery in detail.  The explanation given is similar to my article but more directed to hands on detailed performance. Much other material and individual protocols are also presented on this DVD. To learn more on multiple protocols presented on the DVD#2 please click follow this link

You're welcome to ask any questions, as well as to post comments.
Best wishes.

PS. As you will understand from my article, that other type of essential hypertension that is not secondary to Vertebral  artery syndrome, can also be successfully managed by full body medical stress management massage, as I am presenting step-by-step protocol on DVD#2.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Are trigger points real, or this is false claim that has no clinical value?

Lately much discussion transpires on trigger points. Something like
Are trigger points real?  
What are trigger points?
What is the mechanism of trigger points therapy; how it work?
Is it necessary to include trigger point therapy when providing medical /orthopedic massage?

In the end of my commentary you'll find a brief scientific review on the subject, but prior to reading it, I would like to offer some additional layman considerations.

From our own experiences we know that sometime when we experience pain at any reachable part of our body, by instinct we try finding pinpoint localization of pain, as well as by instinct compressing it and experiencing somewhat good feeling or so-called healing pain.

These facts are supported by real life experiences. Would like to ask the opponents of this notion, whoever claims that there is no such a thing as trigger points.  Is it real pinpoint localization of pain we people find and compress them by instinct? How would you then call pinpoint localization of pain?

Now talking from research and clinical points of view. Medical/orthopedic massage is not a new methodology of treatment.

Medical massage was initially researched and proposed in 1936 by the Russian physician Anatoli Sherbak, M.D., Ph.D. About 20 years later, two German physicians, Dr. Glezer and Dr. Dalicho, developed maps of reflex zones abnormalities in the skin, fascia, muscles, and periosteum. Their work was based on the database of Dr. Sherbak. The first edition of the textbook by Drs. Glezer and Dalicho was published in 1955. Reflex zones maps of Drs. Glezer and Dalicho help tremendously to detect/to locate and to address the above-mentioned abnormalities in cases of support and movement system as well as in cases of inner organs diseases. Since then this methodology was massively applied clinically, including hospital-based programs, outpatient clinics, the matter of fact , utilization of medical and sports massage, contributed tremendously to win most of the Olympian gold medals, from the period of 1960s-1980s. Mention above reflex zones abnormalities in the skin, fascia, muscles, and periosteum, is actually painful local areas, containing tension within fascia, muscles etc. all these painful areas, containing pinpoint pain localizations/trigger points. at article link I am proposing, you will find explanation on morphology of trigger points and more. No need to repeat all. Also in my two weeks ago published blog click here to read Simplicity and extreme healing power of massage therapy
I have explained why injections into the trigger points provide only temporary relief of symptoms. For better understanding of the treatment concept, I would recommend to read it again. It is impossible to reach results in cases of painful orthopedic disorders, if we will not provide adequate treatment including trigger point therapy.  

Any scientifically and not scientifically developed protocols must be clinically proven as an working concept for a long time. Otherwise all can be scientifically sounds but will not work. You can have lots of references, but it will be only theoretical concepts, if clinically it will be not proven working.  I am claiming the necessity to provide adequate treatment as was explained in Simplicity and extreme healing power of massage therapy  based on clinically proven necessities to address abnormalities in the skin, fascia, muscles, and periosteum, as well as to provide trigger point therapy.

Those practitioners who deny the existence of trigger points and/or not addressing myofascial dysfunctions and trigger points, only inhibite trigger points, converting them to sleeping trigger points. What I have stated in this commentary, in my blogs, presented on my DVDs and other materials, is a longtime clinically and/or scientifically proven fact.
Below is the link to, I would call trigger points and trigger point therapy scientific review.

Please feel free to post any questions. Also please find link to medical massage books page by Dr. Ross Turchanonov. They are great texts. Books also including all Dr. Glezer and Dr. Dalicho, maps of reflex zones abnormalities in the skin, fascia, muscles, and periosteum.

You all are also welcome to visit medical and sports massage DVDs page

Please be advised that as a member of this group, you will be able to purchase any DVD including CEs programs at 30% discount. This is inclusive benefits for group members only. If you will decide to purchase any program using discounted prices please write to us  and you'll provided the link to discounted pages.