Saturday, July 13, 2013

The role of medical massage in fighting pandemics of hypertension.

Hypertension is a very dangerous disorder.  It literally endangers  life.  This disorder could lead to strokes, heart attacks, peripheral arteries diseases and to many other diseases.  

Hypertension has some known causes such as kidney disorders, tumor on adrenalin gland, narrowing of aorta and some others. All the mentioned above causes of blood pressure are not difficult to diagnose with various blood tests and radiological means. Yet they represent only 8%-10% of all the people suffering from hypertension. Cases of unknown causes fall into the category called Essential Hypertension. 

As any other disease the hypertensive disease, once diagnosed, can be treated with medications.  If a patient responds to a medication than doctors can control such condition.  In other word blood pressure, although higher than normal, could be held within a not dangerous range such as under 140 systolic and under 85 diastolic.  Needless to say these medications have side effects, which initiate other health problems, but of course prevents hypertension from causing instant death.

People who don’t respond to medications well have to look for some other means to control hypertension.  Very often people could suffer from high blood pressure/essential hypertension tremendously.  At times it could be as high as 220 to 120, people could be hospitalized for hypertonic crises and yet medications could not make a decisive difference.

In 1973 the professor I studied from, Alexander Dembo MD PhD, paid attention that people who suffer from non-responsive to medication high blood pressure also suffered from neck disorders, tension, discomfort in the neck area, etc.  As a result he came to the conclusion that hypertension in this case is a secondary to the vertebral artery syndrome.

The answer to why people, suffering from Vertebral Artery Syndrome, secondary develop high blood pressure, is pretty simple.  The moment when the Vertebral Artery is compressed and the blood supply to the brain is obstructed, the blood pressure is raised to compensate for its deficiency.

Recently, the second time in the US, I was involved in the hypertension related clinical experiment. Ten patients where privately referred to me to perform massage protocols for Vertebral artery syndrome. All the ten subjects didn’t respond well to medications. i.e. taking hypertensive medications didn’t affect them at all. As well all 10 of them suffered from some neck pain and dysfunctions.

Usually an application of Dembo’s protocol delivers 80 percent success rate.  In this case all ten of the subjects sustained the successful outcome, controlled hypertension.  Forty five days ago I had completed providing 15 treatments for each of them. Being in touch with these patients, I know that it is already been more than 45 days and their blood pressure is under control. To all of them I recommended self massage home programs.

It is important to mention that, in average, most of the patients couldn't control hypertension using medications for 3+ years. Some of them suffered heart attacks, as well as according to MRI, minor strokes.

Interestingly enough, the doctors who referred these patients for treatment, said that although clinical proof was undisputable, it was not enough to claim that massage protocols work.  Something like this was said: ”We need to understand this process on a much deeper level before making claims.”  

I can understand and appreciate their drive. I love to have scientific explanation for everything.  For example in my 10 years old article, I have provided detailed explanation in regards to hypertension secondary to Vertebral artery syndrome.

In general, however, I am more clinically oriented.  To me it is much more important to help a real person in the field than to be able to explain in a scientific paper ”on a much deeper level” why what I do works.  

When I put my hands on a person, who has a neck problem, accompanied by high blood pressure and who is not responding to medications, I do the step by step massage protocol designed by professor Dembo and I reach results, such as less pain, tensions and discomfort within the neck area, as well as normalization of blood pressure.

I understand scientist’s curiosity, but it is somewhat irritating to hear “yes, but” all the time. 

Once I asked the group of doctors the question regarding “can anyone of you explain the reason why walls of vertebral arteries have their own sympathetic plexus innervation, regulating their constriction and dilation?”

There was silence.  

“When we will find the answer to why the Vertebral Artery have their own sympathetic plexus innervation, then we will find the answers to why Dembo’s protocol reduces the blood pressure.”

To me as a clinician the issue of publishing well supported scientific paper and that explain the phenomenon ”on a much deeper level” carries much lesser weight than saving lives.

Hypertension is a terrible disease, a very dangerous when a person is not responsive to hypertensive medication.  In such a case it’s the question of “when” rather than “if” the hypertonic crisis will strike.

One of the patients, a fairly wealthy man whom I helped to control his blood pressure, will privately sponsor large-scale studies. I will work hard at this studies and, of course, will be delighted if scientists will find more explanation why Prof. Dembo’s protocol since 1973 is clinically proven as working.

As far as I know, an appropriately applied protocol of medical massage in the case of the Vertebral Artery syndrome is the most powerful clinically and scientifically proven methodology of treatment and this is the privilege of massage therapist to possibly save people’s life in this case. 

I suspect that the desire of ”being able to explain on a much deeper level,” aims at the development of medications that will work in cases of nonresponsive to medication hypertension, secondary to Vertebral Artery syndrome. This is my private opinion, of course.

Don’t take me wrong.  It’s ok with me if doctors want “to understand on a much deeper levels.” In my opinion, though, we don't have enough massage therapists prepared to confront this hypertensive pandemics right now. Therefore, in the meantime, I'm encouraging everyone to study this protocols, and to implement it.

On my DVD#2 I explain the full protocol for vertebral artery in detail.  The explanation given is similar to my article but more directed to hands on detailed performance. Much other material and individual protocols are also presented on this DVD. To learn more on multiple protocols presented on the DVD#2 please click follow this link

You're welcome to ask any questions, as well as to post comments.
Best wishes.

PS. As you will understand from my article, that other type of essential hypertension that is not secondary to Vertebral  artery syndrome, can also be successfully managed by full body medical stress management massage, as I am presenting step-by-step protocol on DVD#2.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Are trigger points real, or this is false claim that has no clinical value?

Lately much discussion transpires on trigger points. Something like
Are trigger points real?  
What are trigger points?
What is the mechanism of trigger points therapy; how it work?
Is it necessary to include trigger point therapy when providing medical /orthopedic massage?

In the end of my commentary you'll find a brief scientific review on the subject, but prior to reading it, I would like to offer some additional layman considerations.

From our own experiences we know that sometime when we experience pain at any reachable part of our body, by instinct we try finding pinpoint localization of pain, as well as by instinct compressing it and experiencing somewhat good feeling or so-called healing pain.

These facts are supported by real life experiences. Would like to ask the opponents of this notion, whoever claims that there is no such a thing as trigger points.  Is it real pinpoint localization of pain we people find and compress them by instinct? How would you then call pinpoint localization of pain?

Now talking from research and clinical points of view. Medical/orthopedic massage is not a new methodology of treatment.

Medical massage was initially researched and proposed in 1936 by the Russian physician Anatoli Sherbak, M.D., Ph.D. About 20 years later, two German physicians, Dr. Glezer and Dr. Dalicho, developed maps of reflex zones abnormalities in the skin, fascia, muscles, and periosteum. Their work was based on the database of Dr. Sherbak. The first edition of the textbook by Drs. Glezer and Dalicho was published in 1955. Reflex zones maps of Drs. Glezer and Dalicho help tremendously to detect/to locate and to address the above-mentioned abnormalities in cases of support and movement system as well as in cases of inner organs diseases. Since then this methodology was massively applied clinically, including hospital-based programs, outpatient clinics, the matter of fact , utilization of medical and sports massage, contributed tremendously to win most of the Olympian gold medals, from the period of 1960s-1980s. Mention above reflex zones abnormalities in the skin, fascia, muscles, and periosteum, is actually painful local areas, containing tension within fascia, muscles etc. all these painful areas, containing pinpoint pain localizations/trigger points. at article link I am proposing, you will find explanation on morphology of trigger points and more. No need to repeat all. Also in my two weeks ago published blog click here to read Simplicity and extreme healing power of massage therapy
I have explained why injections into the trigger points provide only temporary relief of symptoms. For better understanding of the treatment concept, I would recommend to read it again. It is impossible to reach results in cases of painful orthopedic disorders, if we will not provide adequate treatment including trigger point therapy.  

Any scientifically and not scientifically developed protocols must be clinically proven as an working concept for a long time. Otherwise all can be scientifically sounds but will not work. You can have lots of references, but it will be only theoretical concepts, if clinically it will be not proven working.  I am claiming the necessity to provide adequate treatment as was explained in Simplicity and extreme healing power of massage therapy  based on clinically proven necessities to address abnormalities in the skin, fascia, muscles, and periosteum, as well as to provide trigger point therapy.

Those practitioners who deny the existence of trigger points and/or not addressing myofascial dysfunctions and trigger points, only inhibite trigger points, converting them to sleeping trigger points. What I have stated in this commentary, in my blogs, presented on my DVDs and other materials, is a longtime clinically and/or scientifically proven fact.
Below is the link to, I would call trigger points and trigger point therapy scientific review.

Please feel free to post any questions. Also please find link to medical massage books page by Dr. Ross Turchanonov. They are great texts. Books also including all Dr. Glezer and Dr. Dalicho, maps of reflex zones abnormalities in the skin, fascia, muscles, and periosteum.

You all are also welcome to visit medical and sports massage DVDs page

Please be advised that as a member of this group, you will be able to purchase any DVD including CEs programs at 30% discount. This is inclusive benefits for group members only. If you will decide to purchase any program using discounted prices please write to us  and you'll provided the link to discounted pages.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Lymphedemas can cause the development of neuropathy such as the one accompanying diabetes

As I discussed in the last week post, the neurologist whom I helped with his neck problem started referring me patients.   (Those not familiar with this narrative please click here)

Recently he called me about one a relatively healthy 72 year old man, who developed typical neuropathy such as the one accompanying diabetes, while as the patient couldn't even be diagnoses as being in pre-diabetic stage.  So he contemplated on this case and for a while couldn't come to any conclusion.

When he introduced this case, the doctor mentioned that the patient’s had high level of cholesterol and was taking statin (cholesterol lowering) drugs.  From my experience I knew that people who take statin drugs usually develop edema, especially in the ankle area and I shared this observation with the doctor.  The doctor recollected that although his patient’s heart was functioning normally as well as other vital organs like kidneys, liver, etc. he did have some edema in the ankle area.  I offered that this lymphedema could compress nerve and thus could promote neuropathy.  The doctor was surprised and noted that he couldn't find any scientific literature supporting that fact that edema could be the cause of neuropathy.  As he promised to do more investigation on the matter, he also asked me to do something in reducing the size of this lymphedema.  

I was glad to be of service in this case since Medical Massage has a special protocol for lymph drainage that significantly reduces and in most cases eliminates edemas.  Since in this particular case we dealt with lymphdynamic edema, I expected it to be gone pretty fast.

When patient arrived, he was mildly sad and depressed, because he loved to play golf and the neuropathy was preventing him from enjoying his game.  He was complaining that the last three months he wasn’t really himself and no one knew what the problem was.  He was even afraid to drive because he couldn’t control his reactions.

From the first treatment I significantly reduced edema size.   I knew that it could come back, informed him about it and recommend  him to come back for treatments.  At next visit, edema was still there, but to my surprise it didn’t return to the same size. 
Subsequently I performed eleven more treatments.  The patient’s feet regained normal color, the edema has practically disappeared as the symptoms of neuropathy. Because nerve damage wasn’t permanent, after twelve treatments nerve, in absence of edema, recuperated.

The doctor investigated the patient, called me and said that he was amazed at the clinical outcome.  He also suggested that based on these results we should try this method with other patients and should write a paper.  His suggestion was based on the fact that he had the hard time finding any description of such results in the scientific literature.  I was doubtful in regard of such a paper.  For me the interesting observation was no the fact that lymphedima could cause neuropathy. I was taught of this connection long time ago during my school studies and clinical practice. Sometimes, post surgical patients who developed lymphedemas due to ankle area traumas also develop neuropathy.  In the case of diabetes, the vessels that supply blood to nerves are damaged.  Thus people who suffer diabetes eventually also develop neuropathies.  Interestingly, when edema is not caused by diabetes, although the mechanics of the disorder is different, its effect on nerves is similar.  Edema compresses the region it interrupts the normal blood supply to nerves and eventually causes neuropathy. I didn’t want the article would come across as an example of a well known saying: “everything new is just well forgotten old.”
To me the interesting aspect of this clinical experience was that even though the patient continued taking statins, lymphedema and accompanying it neuropathy didn't come back.  Three weeks after the treatments were stopped; the patient reported no swelling and no neuropathological symptoms.  This fact might be deserving of an article.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Simplicity and extreme healing power of massage therapy.

Massage therapy is a very simple and side effects free methodology.  In certain cases, it can be so extremely powerful that it has no substitute. The doctor’s story I am about to present could be considered as an example of the massive phenomena of mechanical pain and dysfunctions that to a large degree could only be successfully addressed by means of massage.

Approximately 3 years ago I had a client who was a dual board certified neurologist.   The referring physician told me that I should have prepared myself for questioning because  the person he referred to me was very knowledgeable in conventional medicine and yet was very open to other methods of treatment.  During almost 12 years the client suffered from upper back middle thoracic pain with the significant limitation in range of motion in cervical spine.

According to his report, 12 years ago It started with the minor pain in between scapulas region.  Little by little the pain increased until it came to the point when it was difficult to sleep, as well as caused a high-intensity pain during the day and a specially at attempts to move during the day. 

When  this doctor arrived, I was listening to him very carefully. He performed all the tests including EMG studies, MRI, all blood tests and they all came out perfectly good and yet he was suffering.

During my palpation examination, checking the tension in fascia and muscles, and the fact that all the tests didn’t support the presence of this pains and movement restrictions, considered history of this abnormality development, I came to the conclusion that the pain was caused by excessive tension in fascia and muscles and subsequent trigger points developments in these tissues, which, surely, are not detected by radiological means and other undertook examinations. To me it was classic severe case of myofascial pain, that can cripple person, at the time all possible tests will come out perfectly good.

After the first treatment, almost all the range of motion with in cervical spine, was restored and the pain sensation was reduced significantly.  After this, striking (from the point of view of my client) experience my client wanted to invite me for lunch with the purpose of finding out details on what I did in order to achieve so significant outcome.  I told him that the lunch arrangement was not necessary and that I was happy to explain him physiological effect of massage, including, details on connective tissue massage, muscular mobilization, trigger points therapy etc., without being sweetened.

I told him that the main problem that produced his difficult clinical picture was tension in fascia and muscles and subsequent trigger points development.  What I practically did was I palpated various localization of pain, detected tensions in connective tissue, muscles, performed connective tissue massage to release the tension in fascia, mobilized muscles and brought them to relatively normal resting tone. Performed ischemic compression on trigger points etc. 
When muscles are constricted there is a significant deprivation of blood supply, which in turn, and if sustained a prolonged time, caused low grade inflammatory condition.  Due to metabolic disturbances, this condition caused accumulation of tension in fascia, adhesions, as well as triggering trigger points developments.

During the course of several procedures he was practically rid of pain.  He was very thankful but also very curious and inquisitive about my methodology as if he couldn’t comprehend that such simple methods could produce such tangible results, as if he felt there was something else, something hidden from the naked eye that he overlooked in his understanding.  He kept on going back to the history of his disorder and the history of attempted treatments, requesting an explanation of why exactly they didn’t work while massage did.

During those 12 years of suffering, numerous times he received corticosteroids trigger points injections, achieving temporary pain releases. And then the pain was coming back. On his question, why  wouldn't sustain this reliefs I answered that he was suffering from the vicious cycle of abnormal developments within soft tissue. First painful muscles tension, then fascia tension, and then trigger points developments. Exercise just made it worse because they added additional tension to already exhausted and dysfunctional muscles, corticosteroids injections only inhibited trigger points with no positive effect on tension within fascia.  This wasn't an adequate treatment, and therefore symptoms were coming back.

Massage therapy procedure, however seemingly simple, directly addresses all causes of these symptoms, and therefore produces good results. I also have explained him, that in order to sustain results, and make sure pains will not return and the normal range of motion will be sustained or even become much better, he must to continue to receive  12 to 15 treatments. This number of repeated treatments was necessary to reset and sustain the higher level of threshold of pain.  Because he suffered prolonged time, repeated treatment also will help “cleaning up” phenomenon of pain sensitization.

To him my explanation sounded absolutely scientific and he felt that this course of actions had good potentials for sustained results.  Being open minded scientist and clinician, he was amazed by simplicity of massage therapy, its absence of side effects, and clinically proven concept of its methodology.

Several times after that he returned to me with problems caused by sports related injuries, within different body parts. Interestingly enough, the original case, he came with, didn't trouble him during the last three years. 

He also referred me many people with myofascial pains, sciatic nerve neuralgia and other neuralgias.  Little by little he started trusting me.  He is very responsible doctor and I really like how he establishes diagnosis.   For example tension headache could be the result of a brain tumor, and other phenomena that produce symptoms that are very similar to tension headache symptoms. So first of all he excludes such possibilities. 
I felt like at home with him, because as a professional, I grew up in the environment of the integrative approach to medicine . Diagnosis establishment by using differential diagnostic techniques, including different tests by MDs that exclude the possibility of the medical problem being not the cases for massage therapy, and then intensive massage therapy treatment.

Recently he called me about one a relatively healthy 72 year old man, who developed typical neuropathy such as the one accompanying diabetes, while as the patient couldn't even be diagnoses as being in pre-diabetic stage.  So he contemplated on this case and couldn't come to the definite conclusion.

I will continue the discussion of this interesting case in my next blog…

for more information on methods of Medical massage please go to

Saturday, June 8, 2013

I believe we all naturally born, it's just important to realize.

20 years ago I have established the school in LA - Institute of professional practical therapy, school of massage physical therapy aid, and chiropractor assistant program.  3 years ago I sold my school and now it’s South California health institute.  Now it’s a much bigger school and much broader program even though the fundamentals of this programs are the same - all general education training composes about 20 percent of the course time leaving 80 percent to hands on training. 

On June 6th  2013 I was invited to address the alumni reunion of all the school’s past generations of graduates. 
In trying to prepare for this event my thoughts were in disarray.  Indeed what could I possibly tell people, some of whom had already 15 or 20 years of experience?  So I hoped that when I see the people and feel their energy I would find the right words.
When I arrived and was asked to speak that’s exactly what happened.  I shared with my audience my life long quest to find out why people chose the profession of massage therapist?

Many years ago I conducted my own research.  Surely, I asked this questions only when the personal relationship between the teacher and the student were built to made sure that students would frankly speak their minds.

Many responses fell into several categories.  One of them was that a person lost his or her job and seeing the ad from a massage school decided to try it.  The other one was attracted by free schedule demonstrated by the neighbor who was massage therapist.  It gave a possibility to earn some additional income on evenings and weekend.  One more was that a friend advised to become a massage therapist and many more similar variations.

Eventually I came to the conclusion that what people were telling me was their conscious answer.  Our subconscious mind is much more powerful.  According to Karl Young, compared to unconscious mind the conscious mind is like the nut shell compares to the ocean.  This means that mostly we make similar decisions on subconscious level. 

Millions of people can see the ads of massage therapy schools and not reacting on them even if they lost a job, have neighbor working as massage therapist or look for a new career and only few of them decided to enroll into a massage school.  I believe that those few people are naturally programmed to place our hands on people and to heal them by means of massage.  It is very important to remember that we have a proclivity to heal with our hands.  Conscious realization of this phenomenon immediately gives you a different energy when you start performing massage procedure.

If each of us would think of what I was saying at this reunion, probably somehow we would get to the same conclusion.

When I finished talking, I felt the energy of all the 200+ people at the alumni.  It was the union of understanding and positive energy.  Then I added that all the people in the alumni essentially practice the same methodology, the same techniques etc.  But the scientifically developed healing art is like any art - everyone is expresses him/herself differently.  Understanding this will greatly affect the treatment outcome and would make a therapist to love his/her occupation even more.

I felt that these words felt deeply in the hearts of everyone.  When I came off the podium people in the audience started to hug me, hug each other and give each other high fives without talking.  As I told you I wasn't prepared for that speech, but when it came out it so naturally, it came through as so important, and became so unifying that, for a moment, it made brotherhood of massage therapists come to life.  The massage therapy isn't only about techniques, no matter how great they are, and it isn't only about theoretical concepts.  Not less important is the realization that we are artists, who chose this occupation not by accident, but because we were wired to do this since birth.

Best wishes,

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Consuming antidepressants and Lyrica it is not always the solution.

Recently, a familiar  physician,  referred to me a 53 years old male, CEO of a huge corporation.  The referring physician, who is a board-certified rheumatologist, diagnosed this patient with having a major depressive disorder. According to the physician, in addition to classic clinical depression symptoms, the patient also suffered from pain all over the body, tension headaches, sleep disorders and other  similar to fibromyalgia symptoms. He also said:”  However, during my initial examination I couldn't discover the typical 11 tender points, typical to fibromyalgia cases and necessary to establish fibromyalgia diagnosis.

Being on good terms with the doctor, I had no problem discussing the clinical picture frankly.  Therefore I said that if blood tests were done and autoimmune diseases were excluded, then, because of the absence of typical 11 tender points, the disorder isn't fibromyalgia.  I asked him then if, practically, clinical depression and major depressive disorders is essentially the same diagnosis?
He rejected this generalization because major depressive disorders symptoms include pain all over the body.

When this person appeared in my office, just by looking at him, I felt, that emotionally he was hurting, to exactly the same degree or more then from outside. He really was lost.

This session, including the initial evaluation and treatment, was scheduled for approximately one hour and 10 minutes. I have asked him if he would have more time to talk to me and then to receive the treatment. He agreed to do whatever’s necessary to make him feel better.
I called to my next client and reschedule her appointment for a later time. I asked him to provide me with all the details: describe the symptoms, the time when these symptoms appeared, and whether any emotional or physical trauma took place prior to symptoms appearance. I barely finished my phrase as he started crying.

In total he suffered from this devastating symptoms for almost 7 months. It started some headaches, minor pains all over the body, sleep disorders, waking up at 3 AM and not being able to go back to sleep. The last two months he was constantly catching a flu.

Little by little his symptoms got much worse. As he described, his job is very stressful, stockholders expect huge profits and his wife decided to leave him. I asked him how he was performing at work.  He said that he has to be on top of the game.  That didn't sound like a response of clinically depressed person. Clinically depressed people cannot fight simply because they “have to perform.” I asked him how he reacts on taking antidepressant? He said that he started it only for the lasts two weeks and described it as having horrible effect on him. He even started to hallucinate as well as when he took the drug Lyrica, it's really make him feel not like himself.

I advised him to talk to his doctor about it. He was of an opinion that everyone was thinking of him as being crazy so he didn't want to bother anyone anymore, and just limited the drugs intake.

I was amazed how this smart and well-educated person can feel so lost. Obviously, sickness and life situations sometime can get the better of us.
I proposed to call to his doctor, discuss discontinuation of taking this medication and insisted on him doing it immediately. From my experiences I knew, “tomorrow could be too late.” In this situation taking this medication can cause suicide. From my office in his presence and with his permission I have called his doctor. As I have anticipated his doctor ordered him to stop this medication immediately.
Pondering over the clinical picture of this client, I came to the conclusion that stress and its side effects significantly disturbed the amount of lymph drainage. Accumulation of toxic metabolic waste within the body triggers the increase in muscular tensions.  Exactly like in cases of fibromyalgia it leads to ATP crisis, dropping pH, activating  pain analyzing  system and producing symptoms similar to clinical depression.

I started the treatment by checking tensions within muscles and fascia. The tension in fascia was acceptable, normal, but muscles where very tense and contained many trigger points. I have explained him what the acceleration of Lymph drainage techniques does and proposed to dedicate first five treatments to detoxification.  To him this approach seemed reasonable.
 In the first week five times I have provided him with lymph drainage procedure. To my surprise, during the first week the clinical picture changed for the better. I actually expected that some evidence of improvement would come much later.

His mood changed for the better. He told me: ”Boris I’m going to make it.” When I asked him whether he had any doubt, he paused and said that the day before he came to me, he had doubts.  

To me this was a scary moment. Considering his complaint on what this medications caused, and knowing how many people committed suicide, mentally I thanked the Almighty for the privilege to be in right time at right place - for the call to the doctor and the request to immediately stop the medication.

The next two weeks I provided 8 full body medical stress management massages, as well as have addressed the trigger points. I also advised him the home program of self-massage and we talked frequently so that he wouldn’t feel he’s alone in this struggle.  He thanked me, told me of his progress, and of him being able to better perform his daily functions and return of the ability to be a good father.

Tomorrow I will see him again for 12 to15 treatment just to sustain results. Please click this link to read my article on Lymph drainage

If you decide to read it, I would like you to be aware on typo with in article. Instead of inspiration, you should  read the inhalation.

This link is to article on fibromyalgia.

I have no doubt that if I haven’t addressed those symptoms then, little by little, this condition could have evolved into Fibromyalgia or Fibromyositis, being a chronic, low-grade inflammatory condition of the muscle, fascia and other connective tissue, resulting in calcification, adhesions and tension within fascia and muscles.

You are also welcome, to read about my DVDs where I teach all techniques I have applied in this successful treatment.
and post any questions.

Best wishes.

PS. No doubt, this client can afford paying for his treatment. Interesting enough, when talking to me on the phone on Thursday, he said: ”…your treatment is expensive, but I calculated that your treatments are actually saved me money.” He simply calculated, how much money he would have spent for co-payments  medications, deductibles. 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

A little bit of good is in every bad

When your office flooded, it isn't a pleasant experience but not a tragedy either. 

As you understood from my previous blog “show must go on” a week ago at the day of seminar my office, including the classroom was flooded. This is surely not a great news.  I cannot see my patients, cannot conduct seminars and cannot film videos.

But looking at this event philosophically - it could have been much worse.
The boiler could have exploded, this could have happen at a time I treat clients, and so on.  As Anton Chekhov has put it nicely “If you have tooth ache – rejoice that it’s not all your teeth, if your wife betrayed you – rejoice that she didn't betray your country and if you are going to prison – rejoice that you are not going to hell.”

Actually I wasn't aware of the fact that the boiler was directly atop of my office. Now I made sure that boiler would not be above my office anymore, which means what has happen would never happened again.

In addition I requested from a landlord to provide me with safety report in regards to the entire installation, within my office and other facilities connected to my space, including  installation of the special device that will regulate water pressure, which was the main cause for the boiler incident.

Participants of workshop, who have arrived and have witnessed what has happened, advised to take pictures, and videos. These were great and useful advises  especially at the moment of initial bewilderment.  Also I have learned that we have to carefully check our insurance coverage. Not only it must include the professional livability coverage, but also wages lost, property damages, etc.  Let's learn from my experience and others, in order not to get hurt.

Everyone who can add some advises and can share your experiences are welcome to post.

Summarizing, the greatest news of that day was that the landlord have provided me with the space to conduct of what turned out to be the very successful seminar.  All what happened since then and is happening now is not a very comfortable:  I am not able to see clients. On the good side soon I will have beautiful, safe and practically brand-new office.

Best wishes.

P.S. Dear friends,

I'm not the major partner in my company, and is mainly responsible for educational materials.  However I'm always  aware of my management company plans and I did influence them to offer a significant discounts on self treatments DVDs. I can assure you this is very useful material, and would recommend to take advantage on this special offer to purchase all 8 DVDs for $100 only. It soon will be end  for this great and generous offer .take advantage

It is official. Very soon prices on silicon jars will be increased at least on 25%. The wholesale on this jars had increased 28%. Please take advantage and purchase it. Click this link

From MedicalMassage–, LLC support team.

Soon the release of Boris’ DVD “Prilutsky’s Method of Silicone Massage. Upper & Lower back disorders” is going to take place.

The DVD is going to cover incorporation of silicone jar massage for the Lower Back disorders, including:
·         Sciatic Nerve Neuralgia/ Piriformis Muscle syndrome
·         Hamstring
·         Quadriceps
·         Knee
·         Calf
·         Plantar fasciitis

and Upper Back Disorders including:
·         Thoracic outlet syndrome
·         Rotator Calf syndrome
·         Golf & Tennis Elbow
·         Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The suggested retail price of this DVD will be 49.95 +7 dollars shipping and handling.
However, as and promotional effort, the first 200 DVDs, just to cover production cost, will be sold for $15 + $7 shipping and handling on first come first served bases.

If you would have an interest in learning from this DVD please write us to

Saturday, May 18, 2013

The role of coffee muck in cellulite reduction.

Recently I had the most peculiar clinical experience that left me with a big question. A familiar dermatologist referred me a client for cellulite reduction massage.  The main focus of my practice are painful pathologies and orthopedic massage.  Strictly speaking cellulite is not a pathology. However, when a lady looks in a mirror and sees cottage cheese or orange peel marks on skin, it makes her unhappy. Unhappy people cannot be healthy, and as therapists our duty is to help people ridding of these sources of unhappiness. In many cases cellulite reduction massage is much cheaper and much safer alternative to liposuction or other plastic surgeries. If you would like to get more information on the subject please follow this link.
The client turned out to be a very extravagant lady, who brought with her a container with coffee muck and insisted on me incorporating this substance while performing cellulite reduction massage.  In explanation of this bizarre demand she referred to a cousin of hers, whom usage of coffee muck allegedly brought amazing results.

At that moment I was presented with the moral dilemma.  I was trained in how to incorporate Chinese cupping together with other special massage techniques to reduce cellulite. But since recently I started using silicone jars instead of glass jars, I had my first opportunity to use them for cellulite reduction.  Surely I had to adjust the existing protocol because glass jars are rigid while silicone jars are soft.  However I had a strong hunch that silicone jars techniques could be even more effective, and less painful in cellulite reduction case as they proved to be in other cases.  But to do coffee mucking?

To do something that has no, known to me, scientific explanation or clinical proof, or lose the client and, more importantly, the first opportunity to investigate the effect of silicone jars?  Captain Kirk inside me wanted to “boldly go where no one has gone before.” Yet Mr. Spock, who happen to also be inside me at the moment, advised caution.  This coffee muck sort of smelled as is the entire experiment.  Surely, I thought of Dr. Oz green coffee campaign But, first of, can you take Dr. Oz’s advise seriously?  Secondly what my client insisted on using wasn't green or fresh.  Thirdly, even if it were green and fresh, would rubbing it in have the same effects as when you drink it? 

So, I told my clients that I've never done procedure that incorporated usage of coffee muck. I also shared with her my suspicion that coffee color can get into the skin pores, and, possibly, can leave stains.  However if she were to sign a release paper, I was ready to try it.  After all, her cousin used it and according to my client had no negative side effects.  The thought of this  made me feel comfortable. I also surmised that coffee muck could play the role of “emotional feels good“ effect for my client and in the worst case scenario would do nothing.

To my surprise the results of that experiment were dramatic improvement.  Within 5 visits my client lost a significant part of her cellulite looks, developed less edema than usually. I have completed 10 treatments, after two weeks have asked her to come for checkup. The treated parts of her body looked very good compared the parts I didn't address . Usually I concentrate on one location at the time. Now I will start working on other cellulite locations, of course, using coffee muck.

Despite the obvious improvement, the experiment didn't make me an instant believer in “coffee muck” method.  This happen because I used coffee muck in tandem with silicone jars.
As a matter of fact, during the last two years I was developing a method allowing incorporation of silicone jars into medical massage.  One of the advantages of silicone jar massage is its powerful ability to mobilize fascia, eliminate adhesions which provides faster and more advanced results compared to the classical hands fascia stretching and fibrotic courts tears methodology.

So currently I don’t know what caused those visible and rapid results in cellulite reductions.  Should I attribute those results to incorporation of silicone jars, to the integration of coffee muck or to both?

To resolve these doubts I should have conducted more testing with coffee muck without silicone jars or vise versa.  Of course, I will continue my experiments, and would be glad to share the results with you. 

In the meantime, I would like to invite your opinion and see what my colleagues think or know about the usage of coffee muck in cellulite reduction massage.

Incidentally, those of you who utilize Chinese glass cupping and generate suction by means of fire, and would like to learn techniques for cellulite reduction, are welcome to look at my DVD#8 please click this link   You can also preview short fragment from this DVD

From MedicalMassage–, LLC support team.

Dear friends,

Soon the release of Boris’ DVD “Prilutsky’s Method of Silicone Massage. Upper & Lower back disorders” is going to take place.

The DVD is going to cover incorporation of silicone jar massage for the Lower Back disorders, including:
·                  Sciatic Nerve Neuralgia/ Piriformis Muscle syndrome
·                  Hamstring
·                  Quadriceps
·                  Knee
·                  Calf
·                  Plantar fasciitis

and Upper Back Disorders including:
·                  Thoracic outlet syndrome
·                  Rotator Calf syndrome
·                  Golf & Tennis Elbow
·                  Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
The suggested retail price of this DVD will be 49.95 +7 dollars shipping and handling.
However, as and promotional effort, the first 200 DVDs, just to cover production cost, will be sold for $15 + $7 shipping and handling on first come first served bases.

If you would have an interest in learning from this DVD please write us to

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Patients reported outcome: Not all cases of sciatica are alike.

Six weeks ago I received a 48 years old woman who suffered from sharp pain in lower back, buttocks area, including a high intensity irradiation pain to right lower extremity for the last seven months.

Actually she had sciatica condition since the age of sixteen. According to her these pains of some intensity were constant.  At least, once a year she had episodes of very sharp pain, that disabled her for few weeks.

All possible tests were done, including repeated MRIs. In the age of 36 MRI shows 4mm disc bulging on L4/L5 level. This time she have gotten a terrible attack for seven months and couldn't function at all, consuming lots of pain killers, undergoing three epidural injections, during six physical therapy procedures, including exercise, the condition have aggravated to the  point of being not able to function at all.

Listening to her, I was pondering that piriformis muscle syndrome often is the main cause of sciatic nerve neuralgia, and other related syndromes.  So I planned to investigate the presence of piriformis muscle syndrome and then apply the piriformis muscle syndrome protocol since it is very effective in most difficult cases of sciatic nerve neuralgia.

I started by carefully palpating all areas of lower back, buttocks and extremities and have discovered much fascia and muscle tension as well as many trigger points practically everywhere in these regions, but especially within  quadrates lumbarum, gluteal muscles group and hamstring.

Having been aware of similar cases, first few treatments a therapist should advance slowly, expecting to palpate additional abnormalities within soft tissue.  Considering the long history of her disorder and the fact that the exercise programs significantly aggravated her condition, I suspected that she was born with an unusual condition where sciatic nerve fibers intergrew through fibers of piriformis muscle. Due to chronic inflammatory conditions, people develop region adhesions, especially within neighboring muscles and other soft tissues. With age the condition gets much worse exacerbated by soft tissue calcifications.

During my career I have treated people with this condition.  So I carefully  went ahead, following the piriformis muscle syndrome protocol.  I was extra careful while addressing buttocks and shifting gluteal muscles since my goal was to transmit pressure to piriformis muscle.

Because of the intergrowth of sciatic nerve fibers in the fibers of piriformis muscle and neighboring soft tissues, in addition to normalization of aforementioned muscles resting tone, reduction of fascia tension and elimination of all trigger points within region, the main goal of the treatment was to carefully address all adhesions.

Again one has to be very careful tackling this problem and progress slowly. Otherwise it would be easy to significantly aggravate the condition, causing the client additional pain and sufferings.  By the way, this is why cases of sciatic nerve neuralgia/piriformis muscle syndrome, where sciatic nerve fibers intergrew through fibers of piriformis muscle. take many more treatments, then just usual cases.

Usually in case of piriphormis muscle syndrome improvements are evident in a frame of five treatment.  Yet in aforementioned case of intergrowth the progress comes even slower.  My professor Dembo believed that massage therapists  doesn’t necessary have to be very strong , but sensitive.  His view is  especially applicable in this case.

Considering that my client was unlucky enough to be born with the aforementioned intergrowth condition, her timing appearing in my office was perfect.

I just finalized development of silicone jars massage techniques, which proved to be very powerful but gentle in case of adhesions elimination. So I, naturally, have proposed my client to try applying this technique for her condition. 

It so happened that her husband, who is a medical doctor, asked me to demonstrate this technique on him.  After being subjected to silicone jars techniques, he come to the conclusion that these techniques are safe, effective and especially was impressed with my approach to introductory part, where I activated pain gate control.  In our collaborative opinion the worst case scenario was that application of these techniques could do nothing.  As for my client, she admitted that had nothing to lose since she already scheduled a  surgery.

After first gentle application of silicone jars techniques, she reported a relief in first time during the last seven months.  For the three days she received treatment while I gradually increased suction.  She improved to the point of coming back to normal life and having no pain.  In total I have provided sixteen treatments.   The surgery was canceled.

In two weeks I recommended to come back for some additional treatments  even if she was free of pain. Of course I asked her to be very careful in all functional activities, avoiding challenging the improvements and proposed her the home program.

By the way, the surgery would have done her nothing good but to add suffering.  In her case changes within L/spine didn't play the main role in terrible clinical picture she had suffered all her life.

From MedicalMassage–, LLC support team.

Dear friends,

Soon the release of Boris’ DVD “Prilutsky’s Method of Silicone Massage. Upper & Lower back disorders” is going to take place.

The DVD is going to cover incorporation of silicone jar massage for the Lower Back disorders, including:
  • ·         Sciatic Nerve Neuralgia/ Piriformis Muscle syndrome
  • ·         Hamstring
  • ·         Quadriceps
  • ·         Knee
  • ·         Calf
  • ·         Plantar fasciitis

and Upper Back Disorders including:
  • ·         Thoracic outlet syndrome
  • ·         Rotator Calf syndrome
  • ·         Golf & Tennis Elbow
  • ·         Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The suggested retail price of this DVD will be 49.95 +7 dollars shipping and handling.
However, as and promotional effort, the first 200 DVDs, just to cover production cost, will be sold for $15 + $7 shipping and handling on first come first served bases.

If you would have an interest in learning from this DVD please write us to